Friday, October 31, 2008

Weekly Schedule

Ok, am not a schedule person, so the likelihood of me keeping to this schedule is slim but I will try...

Lazy Monday: A day for lazing in and doing nothing except eat & sleep? Indoors and indoor play.

Animals Tuesday: Visit the shelter day and walk the dogs, at least once a fortnight.

Brendan Wednesday: Time devoted solely to B(that's everyday isn't it!!), theme parks, amusement parks... outdoor fun!

Art Thursday: Some kind of art or craft in a group or individually.

Luncheon Friday: Lunch with the ladies and then playgroup.

Playgroup Saturday: City playgroup every alternate Saturdays.

Mama Sunday: Ideally, this day is dedicated solely to me? And Daddy takes care of the lil one on this day?? :) *hopeful* *hopeful*

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