Friday, July 04, 2008

A Lil Road Trip II:

We started our lil adventure around the island Friday, June 20th at about 12pm.

Destination: Hualien

No one has ever driven there, yep, not even my dear Larry, Mr Taiwanese aka Mr GPS Guy! Dear Larry has set the shortest route to Hualien on his GPS.

1st Rest/Snack Stop: Suao

No one had any lunch, we were as hungry as a bear, even our dear lil boys who gobbled down almost the entire pack of cranberries and platefuls of cheerios. The Mamas & the papas ate whatever they got get there, Taiwanese sausages; both the pork ones and glutinous rice ones, coffee, tea and honey.

Larry bumped into a friend from Taipei there! (what a small world!!) Time to move on boys...

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